I realized I was unscouted most recently probably due to the scouter who scouted me being pruned and thus everyone they had scouted being unscouted alongside them.
This is kind of a relief knowing it was most likely someone else's fault. But still, if there are possible aspects of my art that attract unscouting it'd be helpful to know.
Your art is interesting, seeing as it is traditional on paper. The robot's designs are certainly to be praised. Some people simply find traditional art a bit inferior, idk, because the quality is reduced when it is scanned. I browsed your gallery and that's all I got. Really great mecha art, m8.
Thanks for your kind words. I see you were scouted by the same person who scouted me last time before I posted a scifi furry with a bad mouth and got pruned. (That one was relabeled as a sketch and is holding a laser scythe.)
I'm not sure how confident I am with future runs in the portal but I guess in the end it can't hurt if we have unlimited tries.